Rained all day but still planned to head out with the Fatties group this evening. "Straight out to Hans Loop for laps then back" says Neil, "We'll miss all the slushy bits".
Email at about 4pm as I stared at the rain outside, "You still going?" - "Yep." - "Riiiight. I might see you there."
Took off on the SS MTB from work in the pouring rain. Work-mates thought me very silly. I thought it would be good to blow out the frustrations of a busy day.
Got to Burke Road foot bridge and SMSed Neil, "At Burke Road bridge.. cold, wet, miserable.. going home. I love your enthusiasm."
I fair dinkum thought at this stage that he couldn't be riding.. madness.
2105hrs SMS from Neil.. "You missed the most ridiculous shit : ) " Gav, Justin and Neil actually rode.. madness.
I later hear The Duke, Shawie and Lumpy did 110 down to Two Bays this morning when conditions were predicted to be cold, wet and windy. Steve Martin raced in Geelong which received the highest rainfall in Victoria today.
Still 60 k for me in the rain on a variety of bikes... but a lesson in being soft none-the-less! I tip my hat to you guys and will accept today as a message from those stronger (or sillier) than me.
Singlespeeds, as Ben Randall loves to point out, they're very 2004, but they're also fucking ace for riding in the wet and the mud.
ReplyDeleteIt took 15 minutes in the shower to wash all the mud that was caked into my arse crack. :D