...I kept going.
Then despite this...
...I still made it to the top!
As much as I've climbed King Lake a gazillion times I'm getting sick of doing it as a large vehicle. I've decided on some very measurable objectives today.
I had a nice sleep-in this morning (to 0715... woo hoo!) until I was woken by my three excited children bestowing me with presents and cuddles. Homemade cards with loving messages (i.e. "You're the best dad ever!") and smelly products purchased from the primary school stall were piled on top of me. Grouse. I was handed the paper in bed and lay for half hour looking at the pictures wishing I had a decent publication. Once I got to page 26 (a good fictional read) I gave up and threw it out the window then went downstairs for this...

Karen did most of it no doubt but Lucy definitely told her when to take the eggs off and Kate ensured the bacon didn't burn. According to them they cooked it all and Jack poured the orange juice. I'm very lucky.
My frequent quip when asked if I accompany my wife and kids to church on Sundays is, "I like to worship on my bike!" This morning I ate my words as I'd promised my girls I'd go to kids' church with them for footy day.
Then we were here...

Lucky I did 100+ ks earlier in the day.
And the objectives? 102.5kg now... 100kg by Noosa (2 weeks)... 98kg on return (4 weeks). I'm sick of this large vehicle bullshit and sick of just talking about it. As if 98kg isn't large?!?... but at least it's better.
Sleeping, presents, cuddles, riding, food, beer and Cuckoo cookiness.
I've had the best Father's Day ever!
ReplyDeleteMy Fathers Day was all the better meeting you at church on Sunday. We were able to worship together..in the foyer at least. I am quite happy to chat about our common form of idolatry...that is bikes, hills and flogging yourself on the Alpine Classic.
Rod Clements