A grouse day for the kids. They had a ball...
The one day of the year where we can not ride, eat like pigs and not feel guilty. Look at this! What a wonderful wife! What a wonderful life! ~
Karen's fam for lunch. Mine for dinner. No time for snoozing in between. Far out!
One learning for me from the day: Don't drink (at all) in the middle of the day if you want to make it to the end.
Boxing day was pretty much a repeat of the same with too much food and drink and absolutely no exercise.
At least I made it out onto the bike today to work some of it off. According to Brad's Garmin doozamewatchit he burned off 5750 calories on this morning's ride.
That'll fix about a quarter of it.
It was grouse to welcome Smithy back to the riding today. It's been far too long since he's been out and it was great to catch up (good luck with that first few weeks of agony mate but you'll get there).
We tackled Pigeon Bank and Clintons before an early coffee at Smith's. Smithy turned for home then the three of us headed to King Lake, Whittlesea, Arthurs Creek and Hurstbridge to home.
A great hit-out for a public holiday. Heath did a great job of hanging on after not being too confident when I told him there was still 70 to go at KL. You can tell he's a tough-nut.
So Alpine Classic and Otway Odyssey here we come. The times will not be beat unless I change the eating habits of the last two days and that starts today.
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