Katie was very proud to have purchased this whole block of chocolate with her busking money earned in the main street of Bright. Her clarinet is coming along just fine so the coinage was flying into the case.
The last hour and a half of my ride tonight required lights. There's something very surreal about flying around the single track of Bright on your own in the dark. Turn the light off, which I did a couple of times just for fun, and you're in absolute pitch black. Something about being one with nature? Possums, wombats and other nocturnals (Wayne Wilson could have even been about!), night sounds, heavy breathing (mine) and Giants.

Having recently seen the movie 127 hours, I was very pedantic about letting everyone know where I was going.
Karen and the kids knew when to start looking but I've discovered that Facebook might be the next best thing to an EPURB! Whether or not any of my "friends" would have done anything about it or not I don't know but it was worth a try!
I discovered Ritchie Road was more of a highway at the moment - rather than the 4WD track I knew as a kid - and the prep for the forest clearing had me dodging steam-rollers and graders along the way.

I was in a brief quandry at this 4-way -

- but I sucked it up and took the Magazine at an average of 18% over 1.5k or so.
Finishing of with some of the best single track in the state had me buzzing by the time I got home.
Richie Road - Tower Hill - Magazine Track - Walkers Lane - Valley View - Pine Tank track - Bakers Gully with the top loop - Huggins Lookout - Rambo bits and 6hr bits - what a ride!!
3hr MTB - geared.
I followed it up with a nice cruisy road ride today out to Harrietville with Steve Ritcho. A lovely way to be easing back into it.
65k road - geared.
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