This week I've been inspired by a few comments coming from my Bright friends. Jonathan Hurst was out for his first road race in Wang this weekend and, after offering up as many excuses as I've ever heard, will hopefully now have completed it. Warwick encouraged Jon by reminding him that, "when it hurts as much as it can... it can still hurt some more." And Wayne Hildred (Australian National Champion and Warny record holder for 10 years - see
here) didn't worry about it being Jon's first road race and just said, "Go Jonno, just attack 'em."... which I guess you'd expect from Wayne.
Warwick's words were at the forefront of my mind this morning on the 6am-ers
Pav-Macca loop; a roll out through Lysterfield, Beaconsfield and then around Yellingbow and Macclesfield to Emerald.
Shawie, El, Dave (guest), Gus... Beaconsfield |
Many of us were already in the hurt-box on the roll out through Lysterfield, so El's plans for the inaugural
Yellingbow TT Lynsa Torte Trophy were not looking too good. We welcomed guest rider and FoG (friend of Gus),
Dave Baker, along today and were joined by Horny who hasn't ridden with us on a Sunday since his
crash back in May. Being young and silly - such as he often is - Horny couldn't help but attack guys that are currently near the peak of their fitness and found himself falling completely out of the hurt box thereafter, scrambling to get back on the back of the group to get home. We all know however, that in a few weeks he'll be ripping most of our legs off with those attacks and with no risk of being dropped.

Wonderful, gorgeous, fantastic, beautiful... words fail me. Seriously - get a bike!
It's quite exciting to have such a glorious weekend with a week of sunshine ahead of us. Bring it on.
Only slight fog patches this morning but it made for some good shots. Despite the cancellation of the TT, the pace out to Yellingbow and around to Macclesfield was ramped up big-time and this is where Warwick's words became my mantra...
"It can still hurt some more... it can still hurt... it can still hurt some more."
The Duke, El Mantes and 2laps had me screaming to stay with them but I was pretty happy with my form considering my current 104kg frame. Days like today will make a difference in a few weeks I hope. I've never had a day where I've felt so good on the flat and down but experienced such hurt on the up. Hmmm - maybe that 104 number has something to do with it? Need to do something about that.
6am-er Lane, Emerald |
We met the late 6am-er bunch (the
7am-er bunch) as we rolled into Macclesfield and the Emerald Bakery saw 17 of us enjoy coffee and Lyndsa Torte. The laneway became
ours for twenty minutes!
19 last week
on the beach. 17 this week in the hills. Fair dinkum love your company guys and the riding this week has been at its best.
Thanks for another superb 6am-er hit-out.
Saturday - easy Saturday roll with CT, Taylo, Foggy, Mad Mike and Matt - 80+k.
Sunday - Pav Macca with too many to name - 130+k
A good solid weekend.
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