It’s always been something I’ve relied on as one of my strengths.
It’s the basis of my nickname and the thing that draws me to the events I enjoy (enjoy?) – 6 hour mountain bike races, Alpine Classics, Otway Odyssey’s and such.
But my endurance failed me this weekend. It troubles me to admit that I failed to stay awake to see the last 50k of the Paris to Roubaix. I will learn from my mistakes, but the move I made to lie horizontally on the couch at about 11pm was my downfall.
The error may not have avoided the final outcome (big Zs) but it’s always best to avoid the likelihood of failure by making the most efficient decisions throughout the pursuit of your goals.
I did however, manage to make a few efficient decisions this weekend. Starting with the subject of my last post – a day off on Friday to load the car and get the family up to Bright nice and smoothly. I was keen to do well in the Bright 6hr Enduro on Saturday.
And that I did, in the end...
For me it was second in the masters and sixth overall. I was very happy to have achieved this result with 11 laps of the 10.2k circuit in six and a half hours. More so, knowing that only 8 out of 70 solo riders managed 11 laps. Rod Stormonth, a workmate, pulled out a third in the masters and it was a pleasure to shake his hand on the podium – that’s considering I was standing above the '2', if I was on the '3' and he was on the '2' I wouldn’t have been so delighted! (Nuh, kidding ... course I would Stormy)
I admit I needed Dave and Mick to hold me up after the race. I didn’t have a lot left in the legs after that 11th lap!
It was great to catch up with some of my Bright mates, including the bogans!....

I was glad not to have seen the above sign on the trail but I know this gun team went well despite their team name and kit!
Brendon and Aiden pulled off a second in the male pairs for Team Cyclepath.

Brendon looking fresher than me at the finish!
Full results can be seen here.
After smashing down a whole large pizza (each) at the Alpine Hotel after the race, Mick and I jumped in the car and headed back to Melbourne so that I could get ready for the Marysville to Melbourne on Sunday. Home at 10.30pm, into bed and 11pm – alarm off at 4am. Fun!

Mark, Steve and I had to be at the start line in Marysville by 5.45am yesterday morning for Mark’s run start at 6.15am. The atmosphere in Marysville was fantastic, despite the soaking rain overnight, and the runners got off on time in relatively fine conditions (apart from underfoot).
The race format was as follows:
- 20k run on trails and gravel roads – Marysville to Dom Dom Saddle - Mark
- 50k ride – Dom Dom Saddle through Healsville to King Lake – Steve

- 40k ride – King Lake to Eltham – Richard

- 15k run – Eltham to Bourke Road North, Kew - Fin
- 16k paddle – Kew to Dights Falls in Abbotsford – Marty

- 19k paddle – Dights Falls to Lorimer Street, Southbank – Simon
It was a magnificent race, extremely well organised by Rapid Ascent (who always do the Odyssey well). Our team is very proud to have pulled off fourth position in the Corporate Teams of Six category and Steve and I super-chuffed to have both pulled out the fastest rides in both cycling legs overall (in the money!).
You can see the full results here.
So then off I went to catch a train and bus back up to Porepunkah to catch up with my family who I hadn’t really seen properly for about 48 hours.
I sat down at 10.30pm to watch the Paris to Roubaix.
I lay down on the couch at about 11pm.
I ran out of Diesel.
I slept.
Someone won in Roubaix.