When I talk about Fatties amonst my cycling mates they think about the three hour smash-fest through the Yarra trails on mountain bikes at a pace most would suffer to achieve on a road bike.

Geez it was bloody great to be back! Fatties is the nic for the Fat Tyre Flyers mountain bike group ride from Eaglemont. From 6:30pm we hit the trails hard, try not to crash and attempt to appear to our mates like we're doing it easy.
The going was a bit slow through to Banksia Street with some major trail damage after the recent flooding. It's amazing how the trail landscape has changed as a result... lots of new corners.
By the time we'd been all the way out for a lap of Hans's loop I was smashed as we cruised home on the gravel bike track in the dark with me running a cadence of about 130 - phew!
On the track at about 35kph -
Neil - "How's it going Rich"
Rich - "Yeah mate......(spin spin)....... good......(spin spin spin)........ goin' fine....(spin)..... mate.....(spin spin)......... fine."
Remember - attempt to appear to our mates like we're doing it easy.
Far out, I was glad to hit Burke Road to slow. Four other really fit blokes on geared bikes and me on the single speed heading out of town on the more open faster trails. Good one Rich!
What a grouse night! It was beautiful.
80ks solid on the road bike today pretty much finished me off.
Love it.
4hrs solid - SS MTB yesterday.
80 solid - geared road bike today.
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