Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thank God - 28/07/2011

The speaker at my course today spoke with a particularly biblical flavour so I thought I should end the day with an artistic photograph of a church!  He was from the deep deep south of the good old 'U.S. of A' and he used Jesus as an excellent example of leadership in a number of cases - "take a look at the log in your own eye before you have a go at the speck in someone elses," for example.  Can't say I've seen that before but it worked well!  One of the most entertaining speakers I've heard for some time... but I still couldn't stop thinking about mountain biking later in the day.

I ventured out to Middle Harbour today, crossing the busy Wakehust Parkway from Manly Dam - now there's an experience during Sydney peak hour!  It was worth the effort for a few views but the single track I found was pretty washed out and smashed up from all that recent rain.

I headed back for two laps of the dam - one in each direction this time just to mix it up - and ended up back at the college for a late dinner and two bowls of ice-cream (don't tell the chef - I found all flavours in the freezer!).

From the work point-of-view, tonight has been great due to a major assignment submitted this morning. Relaxing, yet already thinking about the next one.

Manly Dam certainly helps clear the mind.  It's a ripper trail and any mountain biker heading up to Sydney should check it out.  Nothing like as good as Melbourne but hey... Sydney's always had that to cope with.

So thanks God!  Thank God for the leadership examples he sent us with Jesus!  Thank God for Churchs like St. Patricks (althought I've always wondered if God would approve of those)!  And thank God for Middle Harbour and Manly Dam.  Without them my brain would be mush.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more! Ain't no better example than Jesus for leadership. No question his challenges are often adaptive .. i.e. confronting values, beliefs, behaviors, loyalties .... The example is gold! Shep
