Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fatties and 11 year old killers

Had a ball with the Fatties bunch last night. I had not really planned to go considering my previous two hard days but Neil's SMS's through the day got me all interested. Very happy with how the legs and heart performed in the circumstances.

The night was a gorgeous one and I enjoyed introducing Gus to the boys... and the Fatties style of riding. I think he learnt a lot about himself!

Neil describes his p-o-v here with a very inaccurate statement about losing his desire to attack or chase. Throughout this period of no desire I distinctly remember chasing his wheel with my heart in my throat as we screamed along the Westerfolds trails at 45+. No desire my arse!

Tonight on my rest day, my son talked me into going for a run with him. Something I'm clearly not built for. What I conceded to (a coupla k) turned into about six and I'm now in agony.

Too old. Too big. My 11 year old had it all over me.

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