Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tawonga, chocolate, birthdays and Smiths Gully - 26/04/2011

I blew out the cob-webs at Smiths Gully today with the 6am-ers. It was a worthy welcome back to Melbourne after a wonderful time in the north east.


My last ride before leaving Porepunkah was out to the end of the misty Buckland Valley (COLD!) and back via Quins Gap to the bakery for coffee with the Bright boys on Easter Saturday.

Smithy suggested we do a bit more riding so we headed 200 metres down the road to the Sweet Retreat for coffee (still COLD!).

That gave me enough oomph to consider a few more miles so Smithy, Mark Grim and I went for a quick spin up to Tawonga Gap. The Easter weather has been kind to us and it was beautiful to roll back down to Bright in absolutely gorgeous sunshine on a crisp autumn morning. Bliss!

Since then it’s been all about chocolate, hot cross buns, easter bunnies and pancakes. And oh yeah... about that day Jesus rose from the dead having died two days before! We even went to church on Sunday morning. Here's mum doing the reading (right).

And I can't forget Karen's birthday yesterday. A fantastic day celebrating out at Weller's Restaurant in Kangaroo Ground with the fam.

Stu, Jules, Joy, Brad, me, Karen at Weller's

The kids at Weller's

So after two days of glutony, I felt the need for speed (and the expulsion of some calories). We met at 7am this morning for a tour of the Smiths Gully trails.

It's not often you see such a group on mountain bikes in uniform (except for clean-skin Smithy - I think his covert appearance had more to do with the thought that his kit would probably be going home with holes in it).

Unfortunately we only got three quarters of a Rob Roy loop in before Foggy was on his feet walking back to the shop...

... and Gus was wondering if he'd ever see his trusty Soul in the same condition again! It really was a bugger for Foggy as he was starting to get into it big time. Despite this experience - a smashed derailer and chain - he's already looking for a cheap option to get him out there again on his own machine. And the Soul is in my garage waiting for repair.

Other incidents of note came in a group of three and involved the same person...

That's right, arguably the 6am-ers best bike handler had at least three low speed crashes... at speeds of less than 5kph. WTF?!?

He's lucky we didn't have a video because they really were quite hilarious.

We missed out on meeting the road crew for coffee. They were a bit early and we were a bit late. Probably a good thing for the Smiths Gully Store but it was a nice idea and should work one day.

The trails were tacky, the weather was dry and the company was fantastic. It's something we should try to do far more often.

What a cracking Easter! Thankyou God.

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