Monday, August 9, 2010

Yarra trails - a Melbourne secret

It was a gorgeous day today and the Yarra Trails were magnificent. Beautifully tacky in most places but a bit muddy in some. A quick loop of the Paddock Loop had my tyres chock-a-block and the frame full of sticky mud. Half the loop was okay but the other was virtually unrideable. I think I'll need to give it a miss for a while. I took some pix on the way home tonight to show what the trails are really like.

I'm sure most have no idea how beautiful and tucked away it is. I think most have visions of cruising along the bitumen bike track when I say I've ridden the MTB to work. Not so. These trails have everything; good short hard climbs, technical rock gardens, flowing single track... and all within minutes of the CBD. Lucky it is still mostly a secret!

These first two photos are just below The Boulevard in Kew. The drop off to the left of this tree is about 10 metres straight down to the river...

At the bottom of this drop the track heads straight under the Eastern Freeway on the east side of the river. (the bike is hanging off a tree btw - it's steep)...

Trail is just below the bike track which is along the Eastern Freeway here. The fence on the left is the Ivanhoe (I think) Golf Course...

This one is along the freeway wall in Doncaster, less than one k from home...

Back to near The Boulevard. I got pushed off this track once by a burly runner. He did it on purpose and I nearly ended up in the river (which is just to the left)...


  1. Readie, did you spell check the 12th word? Seriously though, those are some awesome trails that I haven't ridden for a while, and am jealous of the magnificant vistas!

  2. You bloody academic!! Fixed. Come on... get out there then.

  3. hard to believe you'd call anyone burly! He must have been HUGE to take you on.

  4. nice work Diesel. I too liked the burly runner statement.

    But how come when I ride home it is pitch black.. Either your skipping early or have an incredible flash.
