Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jack doin' it easy - Horny doin' it hard

Jack today (story below)

Brenton yesterday

I took great pains (and delight) to get this covert shot of Horny yesterday morning in order to show exactly how knackered he was.

Steve Martin and I hid behind this van for what seemed like an hour or so before Mick and Horny appeared....(ok - maybe 10 minutes).

And I shouldn't really be so cruel because the shot below shows exactly how tired he was. You don't just go away and not ride for 7 weeks and then expect to come back firing on all cylinders (although Brenton did!).

Climbing The Wall - 6th climb of the day at about 90k mark

He had been discussing this day and route on-line incessantly for weeks and was determined to get through it. This despite my efforts to stop him when he was clearly smashed after the Selby-Menzies Creek climb where he was showing some initial signs of wear-and-tear.

But Brenton's given a lot of thought to his Giro ride and he did very well to get through it all in the end. These two shots are earlier along the Selby-Aura Road, an absolutely beautiful roll which we should ensure the whole 6am-er group get to sometime in the near future.

Gorgeous road

We made it in the end and enjoyed some good times at the Black Kettle. I'm sure Brenton will be back riding at full strength within a very few weeks. He was very hard on himself yesterday and the way he felt will define his focus over the near future.

Fabio, Lumpy and Taylo enjoyed a different route yesterday morning having joined us for the first few ks. I loved catching up with Steve as we had plenty of time to talk whilst waiting for Horny and Mick!

I hear the Sunday ride went well today with a return appearance from Smithy. He'll also be as determined as ever, so it won't be long before we're all being pushed up those climbs big-time.

Depending on how you look at it, yesterday's ride contained the following climbs in this order:
  • South end of mtn on side roads (Janiesleigh, Glassford, Olivette, Hughes) to Tremont
  • Serpentine Road
  • Wellington Road to Aura Vale/Cardinia
  • Selby-Menzies Creek-Kallista
  • David Hill Road to Monbuk
  • The Wall

I couldn't ride on my normal Sunday morning today because we were off as a family this morning to St. Kilda for the Weetbix Tryathlon (sic) for Jack. He couldn't get to sleep until mid-night last nigt due to his anticipation and was first up this morning at 5:30am.

Jack did this last year but at the much shorter distance as a 10 year old. I felt he matured significantly this year participating in the longer distance for 11-15 year olds (200m/6k/1k). I was so proud of him and he looked really strong through each discipline. As you can see above, he cruised through the ride (of course, my boy!).

So Weetbix defines itself as the 'Breakfast of Champions'. Jack, you deserved your medal and your breakfast after your fantastic efforts of today.

Brenton, you got smashed by a 44 year old. You can wait a few weeks for your Weetbix.


  1. awesome! Great to see Brenton suffering....because it 'aint gonna be long before we're all suffering like dogs on his wheel.

    Well done to Jack! I was also at the Weetbix Tryathlon today with Charlotte in the 7 year olds. She was pretty happy with herself as she'd smashed her mates.

    Me: "have fun?"
    her: "Yeah! Was grouse! Really hard tho. Do you like my medal?"
    Me: "Yeah, that's awesome! So which was the best?"
    her: "The bike leg, Dad"

    good girl.

  2. Why is it we are all revelling in the suffering of Horny? Yes that's right, because we know it is only a temporary state. He'll be killing us in no time. Good on ya Horny for putting yourself out there for some good ol 6amer ridicule.

    And nice one RR Junior. If he's 11, we've only got another 7 years before there's another Read around to destroy us. Oh dear....

